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Tim Heinkelmann-Wild, M.A.

Tim Heinkelmann-Wild, M.A.

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Researcher & Lecturer)


Department of Political Science
Chair for Global Governace and Public Policy
Oettingenstr. 67
80538 Munich

Room: H001

Office hours:
Wednesdays, 14-15:00. Please register in advance via e-mail.

Further Information

Short Bio

Tim Heinkelmann-Wild is a research fellow at the Geschwister-Scholl-Institute of Political Science. As a junior visiting fellow, he visited Nuffield College and the Department of Politics and International Relations (DPIR) at the University of Oxford in 2021/22. For his doctoral project, Tim Heinkelmann-Wild received scholarships by the German National Academic Foundation (“Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes”) and by the Marianne-Plehn-Programme of the Elite Network of Bavaria (“Elitenetzwerk Bayern”). Tim Heinkelmann-Wild studied Political Science, History, and Philosophy at LMU Munich, receiving scholarships by the German National Academic Foundation and the “Deutschlandstipendium”. He obtained a Bachelor in Political Science and History in 2015 and a Master in Political Science in 2018, both times top of his year. Tim Heinkelmann-Wild previously worked, inter alia, as a research assistant at the Chair of Global Governance as well as at the Chair of International Relations at LMU Munich. As an intern, Tim Heinkelmann-Wild gained policy-related experience in international politics, for example at the German Foreign Office’s headquarters in Berlin (Task Force Ukraine) and its Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York, as well as at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF). He is a member of the German National Academic Foundation’s selection committee and the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP).

Curriculum Vitae • Google Scholar • ResearchGate • BlueskyTwitter 

Research interests


  • 2024: European Blame Games: Where does the Buck stop? Oxford University Press. Forthcoming (with Berthold Rittberger, Bernhard Zangl, and Lisa Kriegmair).

Journal articles

  • 2024: No Place to Hide: The Public Attribution of Responsibility for Policy Failures of International Organizations. In: Review of International Studies. Forthcoming (with Bernhard Zangl, Juliane Glovania, and Louisa Klein-Bölting).
  • 2024: The Cooptation Dilemma: Explaining US Contestation of the Liberal Trade Order. In: Global Studies Quarterly 4:2, 1-12 (with Andreas Kruck and Bernhard Zangl). 
  • 2023: Governance abhors a Vacuum: The Afterlives of Major International Organisations. In: British Journal of Politics and International Relations. Online First (with Hylke Dijkstra and Maria Debre).
  • 2023: Blame Shifting and Blame Obfuscation: The Blame Avoidance Effects of Delegation in the EU. In: European Journal of Political Research 62:1, 221-238 (with Bernhard Zangl, Berthold Rittberger, and Lisa Kriegmair). 
  • 2022: Wann eskalieren westliche Mächte institutionelle Kontestation? Interne Kontrolle, externe Effekte und Modi der Kontestation internationaler Institutionen. [When do Western Powers Escalate Institutional Contestation? Internal Control, External Effects, and Modes of Contestation of International Institutions.] In: Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 29:1, 6-31 (with Benjamin Daßler and Andreas Kruck).
  • 2022: Dolce far niente? Non-compliance and blame avoidance in the EU. In: West European Politics 45:5, 1153-1174 (with Lisa Kriegmair, Berthold Rittberger, and Bernhard Zangl). 
  • 2022: To Yield or Shield? Comparing International Public Administrations’ Responses to Member States’ Policy Contestation. In: Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis 24:3, 296-312 (with Vytautas Jankauskas). 
  • 2022: Disentangling Institutional Contestation by Established Powers: Types of Contestation Frames and Varying Opportunities for the Re-Legitimation of International Institutions. In: Global Constitutionalism 11:2, 344-368. (with Andreas Kruck, Benjamin Daßler, and Raphaela Hobbach).
  • 2022: Indirect Governance at War: Delegation and Orchestration in Rebel Support. In: Journal of Conflict Resolution 66:1, 115-143 (with Marius Mehrl).
  • 2020: Nicht nur wehrlose Sündenböcke! Schuldvermeidungsstrategien internationaler Organisationen [No Defenseless Scapegoats! Blame Avoidance Strategies of International Organizations]. In: Politische Vierteljahresschrift/German Political Science Quarterly 61:4, 725-746 (with Bernhard Zangl).
  • 2020: Disarmed Principals: Institutional Resilience and the Non-Enforcement of Delegation. In: European Political Science Review 12:4, 409-425 (with Moritz Weiss). 
  • 2020: Divided They Fail: The Politics of Wedge Issues and Brexit. In: Journal of European Public Policy 27:5, 723-741 (with Lisa Kriegmair, Berthold Rittberger, and Bernhard Zangl). 
  • 2020: The EU Multi-level System and the Europeanization of Domestic Blame Games. In: Politics and Governance 8:1, 85-94 (with Lisa Kriegmair and Berthold Rittberger). 
  • 2020: Multilevel Blame Games: Blame-shifting in the European Union. In: Governance 33:4, 953-969 (with Bernhard Zangl).
  • 2019: Heroes Welcome! An Exceptional Story of “Good” Refugees in the German Tabloid Discourse. In: Journal of Multicultural Discourses, 14:3, 220–239 (with Daniel Beck and Alexander Spencer).

Book chapters

  • 2024: Varieties of European Blame Games: On Scapegoat, Renegade, and Diffusion Games. In: Flinders, Matthew/Dimova, Gergana/Hinterleitner, Markus/Rhodes, R. A. W./Weaver, Kent (ed.): The Politics and Governance of Blame. Oxford University Press (with Berthold Rittberger, Bernhard Zangl, and Lisa Kriegmair). Forthcoming.
  • 2023: Eine Krise liberaler Hegemonie: Die Trump-Administration und die Kontestation der Liberalen Internationalen Ordnung. In: Böller, Florian/Werner, Welf (eds.): Hegemonialer Wandel. Globale Wirtschafts- und Sicherheitsordnungen in der Ära Trump. Hamburg/Berlin: J.B. Metzler, 77-96 [translation] (with Andreas Kruck and Benjamin Daßler). 
  • 2021: A Crisis from Within: The Trump Administration and the Contestation of the Liberal International Order. In: Böller, Florian/Werner, Welf (eds.): A Hegemonic Transition? Reconfigurations of Global Economic and Security Orders in the Age of Trump. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 69-86 (with Andreas Kruck and Benjamin Daßler).
  • 2021: Divided They Fail: The Politics of Wedge Issues and Brexit. In: Richardson, Jeremy/Rittberger, Berthold (ed.): The Brexit Policy Fiasco. London: Routledge, 75-93 [reprint] (with Lisa Kriegmair, Berthold Rittberger, and Bernhard Zangl). 978-0367748906
  • 2018: The European Blame Game: Explaining Public Responsibility Attributions in the European Union.
 In: Kruck, Andreas/Oppermann, Kai/Spencer, Alexander (eds.): Political Mistakes and Policy Failures in International Relations. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 171-189 (with Berthold Rittberger and Bernhard Zangl).

Other publications and public outreach

  • 2022: Interview on blame games & blame avoidance strategies with Deutschlandfunk Nova, June 21, 2022.
  • 2021: When do governments benefit from non-compliance with unpopular EU policies? In: LSE EUROPP – European Politics and Policy, June 3, 2021 (with Lisa Kriegmair, Berthold Rittberger, and Bernhard Zangl).
  • 2020: Mächtig, moralisch, multilateral – Deutschlands schwierige Partnerwahl [Powerful, Moral, Multilateral – Germany's Difficult Choice of Partners]. In: Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi) (ed.): Weißbuch Multilateralismus – Impulse für die Bundesregierung, November 3, 2020.
  • 2020: Interview on digital teaching with BR Campus Magazin, October 2, 2020.
  • 2020: Internationale Organisationen sind keine wehrlosen Sündenböcke [International Organizations are no Defenseless Scapegoats]. In: DVPW Blog, August 24, 2020 (with Bernhard Zangl).
  • 2020: How European integration affects blame games in national politics. In: LSE EUROPP – European Politics and Policy, June 18, 2020 (with Lisa Kriegmair and Berthold Rittberger).
  • 2020: Brexit and the tragedy of the Commons: How wedge issues generate detrimental outcomes. In: LSE Brexit Blog, June 3, 2020 (with Lisa Kriegmair). [re-post]
  • 2020: Who gets the blame? How policymakers in the EU shift responsibility when things go wrong. In: LSE EUROPP – European Politics and Policy, January 30, 2019.
  • 2019: Brexit and the tragedy of the Commons: How wedge issues generate detrimental outcomes. In: LSE EUROPP – European Politics and Policy, November 25, 2019 (with Lisa Kriegmair).
  • 2018: Contested Institutions: Blame Shifting in the European Union. In: GSI (ed.): Münchner Beiträge zur Politikwissenschaft, Munich.
  • 2016: Der Kampf gegen den „Islamischen Staat“ und das Dilemma des Westens [The Fight against the “Islamic State” and the Dilemma of the West]. In: Diplomatisches Magazin, 02/2016.
  • 2016: Die These der „Neuen Kriege“ in Anwendung auf die Bürgerkriege in Libyen und Syrien [The Thesis of “New Wars” in Application to the Civil Wars in Libya and Syria]. In: GSI (ed.): Münchner Beiträge zur Politikwissenschaft, Munich.
