Geschwister Scholl Institute of Political Science

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PD Dr. Andreas Kruck

PD Dr. Andreas Kruck

Senior Researcher & Lecturer


Department of Political Science
Chair for Global Governace and Public Policy
Oettingenstr. 67
80538 Munich

Room: 173
Phone: 089 2180 9069

Office hours:
No regular office hours during the term break. Please send me an email to arrange an appointment.


Further Information

Short Bio

Andreas Kruck is Senior Researcher and Lecturer ("Akademischer Oberrat a.Z.") in Global Governance and Public Policy at the Geschwister-Scholl-Institute of Political Science. His research focuses on international institutions and private actors in the international political economy and in international security. He studies, among other things, power shifts and institutional change of international institutions, power rivalries and cooptation in international orders, contestation of international institutions, institutional change in indirect governance with private actors, rising powers and private economic standards, and qualitative methods of foresight in IR. His empirical expertise is in the fields of international economic and security institutions, credit rating agencies, non-Western emerging economies, European security-policy making, and private military and security companies.

Andreas Kruck holds a MA of Political Science, Public Law and American Studies from the University of Tübingen (2008) and a PhD from LMU Munich (2014). He obtained the venia legendi for Political Science from LMU Munich in 2022. Previously, he was Assistant Professor ("Akademischer Rat a.Z.") of Global Governance and Public Policy (2014-2022), Co-Speaker of an international research group „Power Shifts and Institutional Change in International Institutions” at LMU's Center for Advanced Studies (2018/19), Guest Professor of International Political Economy at Free University Berlin (2016/17) and Teaching and Research Associate at the University of Tübingen and LMU Munich. His research has been published in journals such as European Journal of International Relations, The Review of International Organizations, Journal of European Public Policy, Contemporary Security Studies, Regulation & Governance, Global Constitutionalism, Global Policy, Global Studies Quarterly, International Theory and others. He is the author of Private Ratings, Public Regulations: Credit Rating Agencies and Global Financial Governance (Palgrave, 2011), co-author of International Organization (Palgrave, 2019, 2012) and has co-edited special issues on the adjustments of international institutions to global power shifts (Global Policy, 2020) the “regulatory security state” in Europe (Journal of European Public Policy, 2023), and "cooptation in great power rivalries" (Contemporary Security Policy, 2025). He is Co-PI (with Moritz Weiss, LMU Munich) of a project on "The Making of National Security: From Contested Complexity to Types of Security States" (funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation) and PI of a project on "Taking Process-Tracing to Scenario-Building: 'Paths Projections' of Conflict (De-)Escalation" (funded by the German Foundation for Peace Research).

CVGoogle ScholarResearchGateVideo: SI "Regulatory Security State in Europe"Video: Disentangling Leviathan on its home turf (article) • Project website: "The Making of National Security" • Project website: "Paths Projections of Conflict (De-)Escalation"

Recent Publications (see CV for older publications)

Current Teaching

Courses in Winter Term 2024/25

Supervision of BA/MA Theses

I will supervise BA/MA theses in summer term 2025.

I am happy to supervise BA and MA theses in the field of IR (in particular International Political Economy, International Security Studies, international institutions, nonstate actors in global politics). If you would like to write your thesis under my supervision, please read and follow these guidelines: