Chair: Political Systems and European Integration
Comparative political science; Political behaviour; Computational social science; Political sociology; Reproducibility; Open Science
Department of Political Science
Chair of Political Systems and European Integration
Oettingenstr. 67
80538 Munich
+49 (0) 89 / 2180-9019
Further Information
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Julia Schulte-Cloos is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie funded LMU Research Fellow at the Geschwister-Scholl-Institute for Political Science.
She received her PhD from the European University Institute in Florence. Her dissertation examines whether processes linked to European integration contribute to the rise of right-wing populism in Europe. The scientific contribution of her dissertation was recognized by the European Union Studies Assosciation (EUSA) ("Honorable Mention for the best dissertation in EU studies").
Her research was further recognized with the EUP Award for the best paper in the journal European Union Politics in 2018 and the Peter Mair Prize.
Dr. Schulte-Cloos is a scientific board member of the Open Science Center at LMU. For more information, please see her CV and her personal Website.
Winter 2020/21
- Seminar: The political dynamics of populism in Europe's digital and globalised societies (BA-Level)
Summer 2021
- Seminar: Party competition and political behaviour across Europe (MA-Level)
Winter 2020/21
- Seminar: Intro to German politics (BA-Level)
Summer 2020
- Seminar: Electoral behaviour in contemporary Western Europe (MA-Level)
Winter 2019/20
- Seminar: Intro to German politics (BA-Level)
Peer-reviewed articles
- Schulte-Cloos (forthc.). Political Potentials, Deep-Seated Nativism and the Success of the German AfD, Frontiers in Political Science.
- Schulte-Cloos & Bauer (2021). Local Candidates, Place-Based Identities, and Electoral Success, Political Behavior, Online First.
- Schulte-Cloos & Leininger, (2021). "Electoral Participation, Political Disaffection, and the Rise of the Populist Radical Right", Party Politics, Online First.
- Kriesi and Schulte-Cloos (2020). "Support for Radical Parties in Western Europe: the Role of Long- and Short-Term Dynamics", Electoral Studies 65.
- Schulte-Cloos (2019). "The Effect of European Parliament Elections on Political Socialisation", Journal of European Public Policy, 26:7, 1094-1111.
- Schulte-Cloos (2018). "Do European Parliament Elections Foster Challenger Parties' Success on the National Level?", European Union Politics, 19(3), 408–426.
Chapters in edited volumes & book reviews
- Schulte-Cloos, (2021): "Book Review: De Vries and Hobolt, 'Political Entrepreneurs: The Rise of Challenger Parties in Europe'", Acta Politica.
- Hunger and Schulte-Cloos (2021): "Outcomes - Government Responsiveness', in: Bojar, A. et. al. (Eds.): "Contentious Episodes in the Age of Austerity. Studying the Dynamics of Government-Challenger Interactions", Cambridge University Press, p. 132-146.
- Gessler and Schulte-Cloos "The Return of the Economy? Issue Contention in the Protest Arena", in: Kriesi, H.; Lorenzini, J.; Häusermann, S.; Wuesst, B. (Eds.): "Contention in Times of Crises. Comparing Political Protest in 30 European Countries, 2000-2015", Cambridge University Press, p.128-146.
- Bremer and Schulte-Cloos (2019). "The Restructuring of British and German Party Politics in Times of Crisis", in: Hutter, S. and Kriesi, H. (Eds.): "Restructuring European Party Politics in Times of Crisis", Cambridge University Press; pp. 281-301.
Scientific blogposts
- Schulte-Cloos, (2021): "German federal election: Is there a trend toward more candidates from ethnic minority backgrounds?", London School of Economics EUROPP Blog.
- Schulte-Cloos (2021): "How the mobilisation of the politically disaffected works to the advantage of right-wing populist parties", ECPR's Political Science Blog The Loop.
- Schulte-Cloos (2019): "EP elections and the radical right", London School of Economics EUROPP Blog.
- Di Carlo, Schulte-Cloos and Saudelli (2018): "Immigrant numbers and crime in Italy", London School of Economics EUROPP Blog.
- Bauer and Schulte-Cloos (2017): "Measuring the diversity of each party's candidates in the German Election", London School of Economics EUROPP Blog.