Department of Political Science
Chair for International Relations
Oettingenstr. 67
80538 Munich
+49 89 2180 9053
Office hours:
Mondays from 15-16:00. Please register in advance via e-mail.
Curriculum Vitae
Sebastian Schindler is Assistant Professor at the Geschwister Scholl Institute of Political Science at LMU Munich. The main focus of his research is on the relationship between theory and practice and on the problem of post-truth politics. His more general research interests include theories of International Relations, international organizations, theories of practice, and critical theories.
Sebastian Schindler studied political science, history, philosophy, and sociology in Munich, Paris, and Minneapolis, and received his Ph.D. from Goethe University Frankfurt with a thesis on the relationship between explanation and accusation. He won Millennium journal's Northedge Essay Competition in 2014 and has published articles in other leading political science journals, including International Studies Quarterly, International Theory, and the Politische Vierteljahresschrift. He is the author of "Clausewitz zur Einführung" (Hamburg: Junius, 2020) and co-editor of the special issue "Rethinking Agency in International Relations" (Journal of International Relations and Development, 2019) and the edited volume "Theory as Ideology in International Relations" (London: Routledge, 2020).
Prior to his appointment at LMU Munich, Sebastian Schindler worked as a research fellow at the Cluster of Excellence "Normative Orders" at the University of Frankfurt and at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF). From 2016 to 2018, he was spokesperson for the junior research group "International Relations" at the German Political Science Association (DVPW). He has been a visiting researcher at the Universities of Sussex (England), Groningen (Netherlands), and Minnesota (USA) and at the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB). He has worked as an intern at the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in Swaziland, at the French National Assembly, and at the Permanent Mission of Germany to the World Food Organizations in Rome. During his studies, he served on the organizing team of the National Model United Nations (NMUN) project in New York and was an editorial assistant for the German Journal of International Relations (ZIB).
In his habilitation project, Sebastian Schindler addresses the task of critique in times of post-truth politics. Today, a certain form of pseudo-critical thinking is widespread, which only suspects power and interests behind truth claims and factual assertions. A proper understanding of this phenomenon can help us to fathom three more general questions, namely: (1) What is the current crisis in politics? (2) Why has it come about? (3) How should we respond to it? It may well be that post-truth politics is not so much the result of social media, postmodern theory, or specific economic or political interests, but instead of a deeper loss of political experience in an era of unleashed competition.
- Schindler, S. (2020). Clausewitz zur Einführung. Hamburg: Junius.
Edited Volume
- Martill, B., & Schindler, S. (Eds.). (2020). Theory as Ideology in International Relations: The Politics of Knowledge. London: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429021008
Special Issue
- Braun, B., Schindler, S., & Wille, T. (2019). Rethinking Agency in International Relations. Journal of International Relations and Development, 22, 787-807. doi: 10.1057/s41268-018-0147-z
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- Schindler, S. (2024). Post-Truth Politics and Neoliberal Competition: The Social Sources of Dogmatic Cynicism. International Theory, 16(1), 102-121. doi: 10.1017/S1752971923000040
- Schindler, S. (2023). Conspiracy Ideology, Rationalism, Competition: Elements of a Theory of Post-Truth Politics. Behemoth - A Journal on Social Dis/Order, 16(2), 39-47. doi: 10.6094/behemoth.2023.16.2.1096
- Bargués, P., Chandler, D., Schindler, S., & Waldow, V. (2023). Hope after ‘the End of the World’: Rethinking Critique in the Anthropocene. Contemporary Political Theory, 22(2), 1-18. doi: 10.1057/s41296-023-00649-x
- Schindler, S. (2022). Wie kritisiert man Verschwörungsideologien auf produktive Weise? Ideologiekritik als Vermittlung. Diskurs, 8, 71-84.
- Schindler, S. (2020). The Task of Critique in Times of Post-Truth Politics. Review of International Studies, 46(3), 376-394. doi: 10.1017/S0260210520000091
- Schindler, S., & Wille, T. (2019). How Can we Criticize International Practices? International Studies Quarterly, 63(4), 1014-1024. doi: 10.1093/isq/sqz057
- Braun, B., Schindler, S., & Wille, T. (2019). Rethinking Agency in International Relations: Performativity, Performances, and Actor-Networks. Journal of International Relations and Development, 22(4), 787-807. doi: 10.1057/s41268-018-0147-z
- Brichzin, J., & Schindler, S. (2018). Warum es ein Problem ist, immer ‘hinter’ die Dinge blicken zu wollen. Wege politischer Erkenntnis jenseits des verschwörungstheoretischen Verdachts. Leviathan – Berliner Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaft, 46(4), 575-602. doi: 10.5771/0340-0425-2018-4-575
- Schindler, S., & Wille, T. (2015). Change in and through Practice: Pierre Bourdieu, Vincent Pouliot, and the End of the Cold War. International Theory, 7(2), 330-359. doi: 10.1017/S1752971915000068
- Schindler, S. (2014). Man versus State: Contested Agency in the United Nations. Millennium – Journal of International Studies, 43(1), 3-23. doi: 10.1177%2F0305829814541167
- Schindler, S. (2014). The Morality of Bureaucratic Politics: Allegations of ‘Spoiling’ in a UN Inter-Agency War. Journal of International Organizations Studies, 5(1), 59-70.
- Schindler, S. (2012). Macht oder Moral – das ist die falsche Frage. Eine Untersuchung des Legitimitätskonflikts in den Welternährungsorganisationen. Leviathan – Berliner Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaft, 40(special volume 27), 135-150. doi: 10.5771/9783845245072-135
- Daase, C., & Schindler, S. (2009). Clausewitz, Guerillakrieg und Terrorismus. Zur Aktualität einer missverstandenen Kriegstheorie. Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 50(4), 701-731. doi: 10.1007/s11615-009-0153-2
Book Chapters
- Martill, B., & Schindler, S. (2020). Introduction. Theory as Ideology in International Relations. In B. Martill & S. Schindler (Eds.), Theory as Ideology in International Relations: The Politics of Knowledge (p. 1-16). London: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429021008
- Schindler, S. (2020). Microanalysis as Ideology Critique. The Critical Potential of ‘Zooming In’ on Everyday Social Practices. In B. Martill & S. Schindler (Eds.), Theory as Ideology in International Relations: The Politics of Knowledge (p. 228-239). London: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429021008
- Schindler, S. (2019). Trump und das Post-Faktische: Die tieferen Ursachen eines nur scheinbar skeptischen Umgangs mit der Wahrheit. In C. Daase & S. Kroll (Eds.), Angriff auf die liberale Weltordnung. Die amerikanische Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik unter Donald Trump (p. 59-76). Wiesbaden: Springer VS. doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-23783-7
- Schindler, S. (2018). What is Wrong with the United Nations? Cynicism and the Translation of Facts. In T. Berger & A. Esguerra (Eds.), World Politics in Translation. Power, Relationality and Difference in Global Cooperation (p. 95-113). London: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315209333
- Schindler, S. (2013). Widerstand am Ort der Macht – Zwei UN-Exekutivchefs als Widerstandskämpfer. In J. Junk & C. Volk (Eds.), Macht und Widerstand in der globalen Politik (p. 90-105). Baden-Baden: Nomos. doi: 10.5771/9783845245478
Other Publications
- Schindler, S. (3 March 2022). Opinion - The Risk of Nuclear War with Russia. E-International Relations. Downloaded from
- Schindler, S. (28 February 2022). Opinion - Russian Motives in Ukraine and Western Response Options. E-International Relations. Downloaded from
- Schindler, S. (2021). Stevens, Tim, und Nicholas Michelsen (Eds.) (2020): Pessimism in International Relations: Provocations, Possibilities, Politics [recension]. Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 62, 727-729. doi: 10.1007/s11615-021-00354-7
- Schindler, S. (28 April 2021). Where Turns the Practice Turn? New Voices and Old Challenges. Centre for Global Cooperation Research. Downloaded from
- Schindler, S. (2021). König, Helmut (2020): Lüge und Täuschung in den Zeiten von Putin, Trump & Co [recension]. Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 62, 387-388. doi: 10.1007/s11615-021-00312-3
- Schindler, S. (9 November 2020). Zerstörung und Selbstzerstörung: Warum Donald Trump überall nur Lügen und Täuschungen sieht und was das für die Politik bedeutet. Downloaded from
- Schindler, S. (13 May 2020). Corona and Conspiracy: Post-Truth Politics Revisited. The Duck of Minerva. Downloaded from
- Schindler, S. (22 March 2020). Kontaktverzicht als Risiko und als Chance. Downloaded from
- Schindler, S. (August 2018). The Crisis of Global Politics: Lessons from Hannah Arendt. In B. Martill & L. Kahn (Eds.), The Crisis of Global Politics. Perspectives from Continental Philosophy [LSE Ideas Report] (S. 9-10). Downloaded from
- Schindler, S. (9 February 2017). Lachen oder Weinen? Beobachtungen zum ersten Fernsehinterview von Präsident Trump. Downloaded from
- Schindler, S. (22 April 2014). Ingram, James. IO BIO – Biographical Dictionary of Secretaries-General of International Organizations.