Geschwister Scholl Institute of Political Science

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Application Master Programmes

Admission Requirements

The admission procedure is carried out in accordance with our admission regulations. In order to be accepted into our master degree programme in political science, you must fulfil three criteria:

  1. You must have obtained a grade point average of 2.0 or better in your first degree. If you are an international student, please convert your grade with the Bavarian formular;
  2. You must have obtained at least 90 ECTS in political science classes in your first degree, in particular in the areas political theory, political systems and international relations;
  3. You must have obtained at least 9 ECTS in empirical political science research classes (quantitative).
Please note: For courses where the relevance to political science is not evident from their titles, you may include a brief, official course description from your university.

Evaluation of Admission Requirements

You fulfil all three criteria

The admission requirements are met. An interview is not necessary.

You fulfil two criteria

You will be invited to an online interview. In accordance with our admission regulations, you must have at least 9 ECTS credits in the field of empirical political science research classes as one of the two criteria.

For our Double Master Degree with Stockholm University, no interviews will be held. In order to get accepted, you need to fulfill all three criteria.

You do not fulfil at least two criteria

Your application will be rejected.

Please note: The Master's programs at our institute are highly competitive and the number of available places is limited. The high level of competition means that achieving all three criteria does not guarantee that an offer of admission will be made.

Each application is carefully reviewed on an individual basis, considering the full range of documents submitted.

Application Deadlines and Timeline

Online Application Portal

Our application portal will open on February 15, 2025. The following deadlines must be respected when applying for our master degree programmes. Please note that application documents submitted outside the application period or not through the online application portal will not be considered.

Applicants will be informed about the evaluation of their application via e-mail by May 31, 2025. If you have not received a response by June 1, please contact us.


The purpose of the interview is to established whether, in addition to the skills aquired in your first academic degree programme, you also have an aptitude for the special requirements of our master degree programme.

These include the ability to conduct problem-analysis, to think abstractly and concretely, and to adapt already known approaches to new research questions in the three branches of political science: political theory, political systems, and international relations. The master degree program also requires the knowledge of empirical political research methods, research oriented and scholarly work methods, and adequate English language skills.

Please note that we cannot give any further information regarding the content of the interview. Interviews will take place in June 2025. You will be informed about the time and modalities at least two weeks in advance.

Required Documents

  • Curriculum vitae in tabular form;
  • Copy of the leaving certificate from your first academic degree programme with the details of all your examination results ("transcript of records") and the official grade point average. If you do not yet have the first degree leaving certificate at the time of your application, please include an up-to-date transcript of records with the seal and stamp of the responsible examination office and the grade point average of your studies thus far;
  • Unceritifed copy of proof of English language skills. The minimum acceptable level is C1. Proof of English language skills may be provided in any form that demonstrates that you have attained the minimum acceptable level of C1 on the scale of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Please refer to our list of accepted tests;
  • Only for Double Masters Degree with Stockholm University: a letter of motivation in English stating your interest in the double master degree with Stockholm University (400 to 600 words).
  • Only for Double Masters Degree with Universitat Pompeu Fabra: in addition to your application at LMU Munich, please note that you must submit a separate application to the University of Barcelona.

Foreign Applicants

Foreign applications, who have neither a German higher education entrance qualification, nor a first university degree taken in Germany, are required to submit an additional application to the International Office. Deadline for the application to the International Office is July 15, 2025.


Beatrice Alischer, M.A.

Fachstudienberatung Bachelor & Master Politikwissenschaft

(+49) 89 2180 9033

Room: 068