Geschwister Scholl Institute of Political Science

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Exchange & Erasmus


Information for Incoming Students: Erasmus+, LMUexchange

Introductory Meeting

GSI Internationals Introductory Meeting Winter 2024/25
Monday, October 7, 2024 at 12:00 PM (Oettingenstraße 67, BU101)

In the introductory meeting all incoming exchange students will get necessary information for the course registration. Furthermore, general questions about studying at the institute of political science and the LMU will be answered.

Presentation of the Introductory Meeting (1,1 MB)

Winter-term 2024/25

(!) Please note, that the winter term will start as planned on October 15, 2024. E-learning will be organized through MOODLE, where you will find all your course-material. (!)

There is a course on moodle for exchange students providing all the necessary information (courses/exams/grades) to guide you through the upcoming term. (Enrollment-Key: 'Exchange_GSI')

Course Registration Form (Deadline: Tuesday, October 8 at 12 pm)

Studying at GSI

Information on the course registration and exam registration is to be found in the Moodle course as well as in the Guide below. Exchange students at LMU cannot (!) register for exams, the time period for the registration does not apply. Please make sure that you are enrolled for the courses you want to receive credits for and that your lecturers are informed.

Guide for Erasmus+ and LMU Exchange- students of Political Science

  • provides all the information you need as an ERASMUS+ or LMU Exchange- student at the GSI. (Including information regarding exams).
  • also contains useful information for other Exchange Students.
  • You may write to but please check first if you can find the information you need in our Online Erasmus-Guide. (!)


Studying at the LMU

For general information about the LMU (e.g. application, housing, language courses):

Contact information International Office for Exchange Students: