Geschwister Scholl Institute of Political Science

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Counseling at LMU

Central Student Advisory Office

The Central Student Advisory Service is your first port of call for questions about studying - whether you don't yet know what you want to study, are already in the middle of your studies or are about to graduate. We are happy to inform, advise and support you!

Counseling Center for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses

The Counseling Center for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses provides advice and support to students with visible and non-visible disabilities and aims to make studying as accessible as possible.

Counseling Center for Students with Children

The Counseling Center for Students with Children is the first point of contact for student parents, pregnant students and expectant fathers at LMU. The services are also aimed at prospective students with children, students in the family planning stage and students with caring responsibilities.

Counseling Center for Sexual Harassment, Violence and Discrimination

Various offices and institutions at LMU advise students on the topics of sexual harassment, violence and discrimination in the domestic and university environment. Counseling and support can be provided anonymously at your request.

External Counseling


The StuWerk (Student Services) offers students professional and uncomplicated advice on all kinds of student issues. Among other things, you can get support with student financing, housing, studying with a child and study abroad.

Employment Agency

The academic careers advisors at the Employment Agency support students in their choice of studies and career. The services are free of charge and the content of the counseling sessions is confidential. Among other things, you will receive support on the topics of study and training opportunities, analysis of your own skills and knowledge, developments and opportunities on the job market as well as changing or dropping out of your studies.