All examination grades are included in the final grade relate to the content taught in the course. There are no basic and orientation, intermediate or final examinations. The scope of the individual examinations depends on the quantitative extent of the required workload.
All examination components of a module are weighted equally and must have been graded individually with at least "sufficient". If an examination component is assessed as "unsatisfactory", the module is deemed to have been failed.
Exam Registration
All students in the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in Political Science who wish to take examinations must register for the examination. Exam registration takes place via LSF. The deadline for exam registration can be found under Deadlines.
Exam Withdrawal
Students can withdraw from examinations via LSF within the registration period. Deregistration is not possible after the deadline has passed. Unexcused absence from the examination or late submission will be graded as "fail".
Students who are unable to take the examination for reasons for which they are not responsible may withdraw from the examination without losing the attempt by submitting a medical certificate ("Attest") to the Examinations Office. The certificate must be submitted to the Examinations Office immediately after the onset of symptoms. The certificate can be sent as a scan by e-mail or by post, stating the examination concerned.
The medical certificate must state the onset, duration and description of the symptoms of the illness and their effect on the ability to take the examination. The medical certificate can only be recognized if the medical examination has taken place on the day of the examination at the latest. A certificate of incapacity for work ("Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung") is not a medical certificate and is not sufficient to withdraw from an examination due to illness.
Exam Dates
Written exams usually take place during the last week of lectures. Presentations are given during the semester and are usually assigned in the first session of the course. Term papers are usually submitted during the lecture-free period. The date of submission is set by the lecturer.
Exam Type and Scope
The type of examination and its scope of the individual modules of our degree programs are defined in the examination and study regulations. In modules in which several types of examination are permitted, the lecturer decides.
Exam Results
Students can view their exam results on LSF after the correction has been completed. To do this, please log in to LSF with your LMU User ID and then select "Transcript".
Exam Review
Students may review their exam after the grades have been announced. Any uncertainties regarding the assessment can be clarified in a discussion with the examiner. You can register to review your exam by contacting your lecturer by mail.
The repeatability of modules is defined in Annex 2 of the examination and study regulations. When repeating an elective module, please note that the repetition must be completed in the same module as the first attempt.
For the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs, there is also a free shot to improve grades. If you are absent on the day of the examination without withdrawing, the examination will be graded as "failed" and you will lose the free shot.
Repeat Examinations
For students who have failed examinations or who have been ill on the examination date, a repeat examination is usually offered in the same semester at the end of the lecture-free period. Participation in the repeat examinations is not compulsory.
Students can choose whether they wish to attend the module again before retaking an examination or attend the repeat examination at the end of the lecture-free period. Separate registration via LSF is mandatory for participation in the repeat examinations. The deadline for exam registration can be found under Deadlines.