Final Theses
Bachelor and Master Theses
Admission Requirements
The final thesis usually marks the end of your studies at the Geschwister-Scholl-Institute. Please note that you must fulfill the admission requirements to be able to register for your final thesis. According to the currently valid examination and study regulations, you must have completed the compulsory modules P1 to P6 in the Bachelor's program or the compulsory modules P1 to P4 in the Master's program, respectively.
Application Procedure
You register for your final thesis via a separate procedure from the rest of the course registration. You apply within the application deadline with a short exposé to the designated supervisors for final theses.
After the application deadline, you receive a confirmation of supervision. You then decide on the title of their final thesis in consultation with your supervisor and register your final thesis with the Examinations Office within the respective deadline. Registration after the deadline is not possible.
- Deadlines and Supervisors for Bachelor Theses
- Registration Form Bachelor Thesis
- Information Sheet Bachelor Thesis
- Deadlines and Supervisors for Master Theses
- Registration Form Master Thesis
- Information Sheet Master Thesis
Accompanying Seminar
In addition to writing your thesis, you will also attend an accompanying seminar. You will be automatically registered for this seminar by the Examination Office when you register for your thesis. It is not necessary to register separately via LSF.
First Attempt
You should write your final thesis for the first time in the seventh semester (Bachelor) or fourth semester (Master) at the latest. If you do not submit your thesis for the first time by this time, the final thesis and the associated accompanying seminar will be assessed as having been submitted once and failed. You must then retake the thesis once at the next possible date, usually in the following semester.
Submission of Final Thesis
You will be informed by the Examination Office in good time before the submission deadline about how to submit your thesis. If you have any questions, please contact the Examinations Office directly. All final theses are checked digitally using plagiarism software. For this purpose, you may also be required to submit your thesis digitally.
External Supervision
You can have your thesis supervised externally. However, your thesis will only be assessed and graded by the supervisor at the Geschwister-Scholl-Institute. If you would like to have your final thesis supervised externally, please contact the study programme coordination.
Open Access LMU
Graduates can publish their final theses on the publication platform "Open Access LMU" of the University Library of LMU Munich. Your final thesis will appear in the publication series "Münchener Beiträge zur Politikwissenschaft". All final theses with a grade of 1.3 or better are eligible.
If you are interested in publication, please send your final thesis as a PDF to the study programme coordination. Your thesis will then receive the standardized cover page of the publication series, on which your name and the title of the thesis are noted.
As an author, you grant the University Library a simple but permanent right of use upon publication. This means that any author can publish their own publications, which have been published on Open Access LMU, at any other place on the Internet or have them printed without having to ask the Geschwister-Scholl-Institute for Political Science or the University Library beforehand.