Geschwister Scholl Institute of Political Science

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General Information

The Geschwister-Scholl-Institute strongly recommends and encourages students to complete voluntary subject-related internships in Germany and abroad during their studies in order to gain insights into possible professional fields and to deepen the knowledge and key qualifications acquired during their studies.


Internship Officer

The Geschwister-Scholl-Institute's internship officer, Dr. Tanja Zinterer, will be happy to support you in planning and finding an internship. The internship officer also issues letters of confirmation and recommendation for potential internship providers.

Internship Guide

The internship guide (German) discusses various options for internships, including at international organizations, parliaments, associations and political consulting. It also introduces internship search agencies and intermediaries in Germany and abroad. Furthermore, the guide contains tips on financing options and application strategies.

Additional Offers

We would also like to draw your attention to the services offered by the University Team of the Employment Agency and the LMU Career Services. Take advantage of the offers for personal counseling sessions, courses for acquiring additional qualifications and for finding internships, jobs and scholarships.

Leave of Absence

If you would like to take a leave of absence for a longer internship during the lecture period, you can obtain an internship endorsement during the office hours of the internship officer. Please bring your internship contract and your current student ID. The internship endorsement must be submitted to the Studentenkanzlei when applying for a leave of absence semester. Please note that you cannot take examinations during a leave of absence.

Practical Module

Students majoring in Political Science can complete an internship as a compulsory internship in the elective module 8 "Practical Module". The internship must comprise at least 60 calendar days (or 2 blocks of at least 30 calendar days each). Please refer to the information sheet on the practical and research module. You can find a lot more information about internships in the Internship Moodle.