Great importance is attached to methodological training in teaching. We aim to ensure that all students master the techniques of political science work and the standards that apply to academic research in our discipline.
The Moodle "Working Scientifically" informs and advises students on this topic. Students can register with their LMU User ID and the password "GSI". The Moodle course contains information and tips on the following topics.
- Assessment Criteria: What are the requirements of a term paper? What is taken into account in the assessment?
- Online Research: Tips for using electronic catalogs (e.g. OPAC, specialist databases, Google Scholar).
- Research Design: How do you develop a good research question? How is the question related to the structure of the argumentation?
- Bibliography: What should a bibliography look like? How to cite correctly?
- Revision & Submission: Checklist for submitting a term paper, tips for revising and correcting term papers.
- Formalities: Sample cover sheets and declarations of independence.
Text Books
In addition to our Moodle, we recommend reading relevant textbooks. A great start is Hancké, Bob (2009): Intelligent Research Design: A Guide for Beginning Researchers in the Social Sciences. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
At the Geschwister-Scholl-Institute, all teaching staff consistently ensure that students learn and adhere to the standards of academic work from the very first semester of their studies. To ensure these standards are met, term papers and final theses are also submitted in digital form and checked using special text-matching software.
In the event of plagiarism, the examination will be graded as "failed". In serious and repeated cases, the Examination Board has far-reaching sanction options, up to and including exmatriculation.
AI Charta
The Board of Directors of the Geschwister-Scholl-Institut has published a charter on the use of artificial intelligence-based tools in scientific work. Please take note of the information contained therein regarding the use of artificial intelligence.