Geschwister Scholl Institute of Political Science

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Study Duration


With the exception of the admission requirements for final theses, you are free to organize your studies as you wish, i.e. you can put together your own timetable based on the courses we offer. Nevertheless, we recommend that you stick to our study plans, which represent an ideal type of study program at the Geschwister-Scholl-Institute.

Maximum Duration of Study

Our degree programs must be completed within the specified maximum duration of study. It is not possible to extend the maximum duration of study. If you are unable to complete your studies as desired for various reasons, please consider taking a leave of absence semester.

Programme Minumum
B.A. Political Science - 6 9
M.A. Political Science - 4 7

Subject-Specific Semesters

Your subject-specific semesters under examination law are decisive for counting towards the maximum duration of study. You can view your subject-specific semester under examination law via the online self-service functions for students. Navigate to "Certificate for the semester according to the examination regulations".