Geschwister Scholl Institute of Political Science

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Teaching Evaluation


All courses at the Geschwister-Scholl-Institute of Political Science are evaluated every semester on behalf of the Dean of Studies of the Faculty of Social Sciences. Since the winter semester 2014/2015, the teaching evaluation at the faculty has been carried out online.

For this purpose, you will receive an e-mail invitation to the evaluation, which contains a personalized access link to the evaluation questionnaire. The evaluation can be carried out not only via PC at home, but also with a smartphone or tablet directly in the course.


For the invitation to the evaluation by e-mail, lists are created based on the course registrations on LSF. Therefore, please make sure that you are registered for your courses on LSF. Students who are not enrolled in a course will not receive an invitation to evaluate that course. Teaching evaluation is a fundamental part of the quality assurance of our teaching and studies. Therefore, in your interest, we ask for your active participation.


The results of the evaluation for this and previous semesters can be accessed here.