Application Bachelor Programme
Admission Requirements
Application for First Semester
Prospective students who whish to study political science as bachelor major or minor must complete an online self-assessment. Admission to our bachelor programme is only possible in the winter semester. Here you can find further information on our admission mode.
Application for a Higher Semester
Prospective students who wish to study political science as bachelor major or minor and who have already earned credits from a previous degree programme, may enrol in a higher semester. Admission to our bachelor programme in a higher semester is also possible in the summer term. For the recognition of your credits, please contact the study programme coordination before the end of the enrolment period.
Change of Subject
LMU students who wish to change their subject, both major and minor, are bound by the regular enrolment deadlines and modalities as laid out by the Studentenkanzlei. A change of subject to a higher semester requires contact with the study programme coordination before the end of the deadline to change your subject.
Admission Deadline
The online self-assessment must be completed until August 15 for enrolment in the upcoming winter semester. The deadline for enrolment is set by the Studentenkanzlei. Please note that for timely enrolment, the written application form and the accompanying documents must be received by the Studentenkanzlei within the specified deadline.
Completion of our online self-assessment does not replace enrolment. Rather, it is a prerequisit for enrolment. Proof of participation in the online self-assessment must be provided upon enrolment at the Studentenkanzlei.
Required Documents
The Studentenkanzlei has compiled a list of all required documents for enrolment.
Minor Subjects
Admission to Minor
Our bachelor programme in political science (120 ECTS) must be combined with a minor subject (60 ECTS). Prospective students have a wide range of minors to choose from. If you have any questions, please contact the study programme coordination for the respective minor subject.
Please pay attention to the admission mode of your desired minor subject. When combining the bachelor major in political science with a minor subject with local admission restrictions, a separate application for the minor subject is required. You can find more information on the admission procedure here.
Coordinated Succession Procedure
After the regular application phase, all students who did not receive a place in the first round can register for the coordinated succession procedure. If you have not been offered a place in your desired minor subject during the main admission process, please make sure to take part in the coordinated succession procedure. The Studentenkanzlei will inform you about the required documents and deadlines.
As you need admission for both your major and minor to enrol, a rejected application to your desired minor can lead to a rejection for your major in political science. If you are applying for a minor subject with local admission restriction as part of your political science major, please consider also applying for a minor without admission restrictions in order to secure a place.
Foreign Applicants
Foreign applications, who have neither a German higher education entrance qualification, nor a first university degree taken in Germany, are required to submit an application to the International Office. Otherwise, the same procedure applies. Deadline for the application to the International Office is July 15.