Geschwister Scholl Institute of Political Science

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International Relations (Rittberger)

lehrstuhl 2021

Our International Relations research group addresses myriad problems and challenges in international and European politics.

Our teaching portfolio comprises introductory lectures to International Relations and Politics in the European Union as well as specialized seminars on a wide range of topics, including “Cyber Security,” “EU Integration in Times of Crises,” “IO Blame Games,” “The EU as an Actor in World Politics,” “Putin, Trump and Post-Truth: Understanding the Crisis of Liberal World Order”, and “War, Change and Order in World Politics.” Moreover, we support the project group National Model United Nations (NMUN), the most prestigious academic simulation of the United Nations, which takes place every year in New York City.

Our research covers a variety of substantive issues with a particular interest in the politics and change of international and European institutions. Our approach to inquiry is problem-oriented. We draw on those theories and methodologies that we consider most useful for the purpose of our analyses.

To find out about our most recent activities and academic work, please consult the personal websites of our team members.

Currently, we are conducting research projects on:
